The Modified Sedans return to the Apple Isle for the 48th running of the National Modified Sedan Title. Night 1 from Carrick Speedway.
- Nominations -
A1 Jarod Waters
Q2 Brodie Boss
T2 Marco Taurian
T3 Tomas Hext
T5 Brad Herbert
V5 Darcy Wilson
T6 Corey Jetson
V6 Wade McCarthy
T7 Jakobe Jetson
T8 Wade Cleary
Q9 Joel Berkley
N15 Max Clarke
T17 Craig Williams
V17 Dylan Barrow
V18 Bella Rizzoli
T24 Jason Price
T26 Andy Russell
T27 Joshua Marston
T29 Harry Auton
Q32 Nathan Macdonald
V32 Brody Chrystie
N36 David Jacobi
T37 Luke Williams
V38 Tristan Mcgraw
T43 Justin Goss
V46 Kye Walters
T46 Trent Quillerat
T51 Luke Wilson
V61 Matt Nelson
Q66 JJ Hamilton
T77 Scott Walters
N81 Quinton Clarke
T110 Terry Hammond
Q148 Brett Barron
Up Next in 2023/24 Season
31st Mar 2024 | Carrick - National Mo...
The Modified Sedans return to the Apple Isle for the 48th running of the National Modified Sedan Title. Night 2 from Carrick Speedway.
- Nominations -
A1 Jarod Waters
Q2 Brodie Boss
T2 Marco Taurian
T3 Tomas Hext
T5 Brad Herbert
V5 Darcy Wilson
T6 Corey Jetson
V6 Wade McCar...